09 February 2021
This February 2021, the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, with support from Rainbow Health Victoria and Rainbow Network, launched the largest ever study on the experiences of LGBTQA+ young people aged 14-21 in Australia. Conducted in 2019 the survey asked 6,418 LGBTQA+ people aged 14 to 21 about their experiences with education, homelessness, harassment, assault, mental health, community connections and more.
The national report includes these findings and recommendations.
Writing Themselves In 4 National Report (PDF, 9MB)
The Victorian summary report will be published on 22nd of February 2021.
Writing Themselves In 4 received generous support from:
The Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet
The Australian Capital Territory Government Office for LGBTIQ+ Affairs
The New South Wales Department of Health
SHINE SA, with support from the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist in South Australia.
The launch event features two keynote presentations. First from the study's lead researcher Associate Professor Adam Bourne to present the key findings. The second is from co-author Marina Carman, Director of Rainbow Health Victoria.
This is then followed by a panel discussion from co-author Associate Professor Jen Power. Thank you to our panelists Rory Blundell, Oliver Keane, Jasmine Phillips, Deb Tsorbaris and Tim Bavinton.
In this animation video, members of the study’s Youth Advisory Committee members share what the findings mean to them.