Pride in Prevention Partnership Guide

Rainbow Health Australia is proud to announce the launch of the new resource Pride in Prevention Partnership Guide: A guide for partnerships to support primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities.

The Pride in Prevention Partnership Guide [PDF, 1.1MB] is now available.

This guide has been produced by the LGBTIQ Family Violence Prevention Project 2022-2024, a ground-breaking initiative led by Rainbow Health Australia and funded by the Office for Prevention of Family Violence and Coordination in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.

This guide builds on Pride in Prevention: a guide to primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities [PDF, 6.15MB], which draws together existing research and policy frameworks, and puts forward a new conceptual model for understanding LGBTIQ experiences of family violence, along with priority actions for primary prevention.

The new guide provides additional support to build the expertise and capacity of both LGBTIQ practitioners and organisations, and family violence prevention practitioners and organisations, in the design and delivery of primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities.

Relationships between LGBTIQ organisations and family violence service organisations in Australia are growing. The guide is intended to inform the development of future partnerships across these sectors, as many of the issues encountered and the approaches required to build effective collaborations will be similar.

The guide draws on existing partnership knowledge from within and beyond the primary prevention sector, as well as being informed by the learnings of a unique primary prevention partnership process between Rainbow Health Australia and Safe and Equal.

The launch event featured opening messages from Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Ros Spence and CEO of Safe and Equal Tania Farha, and an introduction to the guide from Director of Rainbow Health Australia Marina Carman. A panel discussion was held with project partners from Rainbow Health Australia, Zoe Belle Gender Collective, and Safe and Equal who discussed their experiences and learnings from working together.

A recording of the event is available here, and a captioned version will be available soon.