7 results for ‘*Research matters’
Research Matters: Bisexual Health & Wellbeing
This Research Matters aims to address the current state of research relating to bisexual health and wellbeing
Rainbow Health Australia, Research Matters, LGBTIQ health and wellbeing, Bisexuality
Research Matters: How many people are LGBTIQ?
This Research Matters aims to address the current state of research relating to the number of LGBTIQ people in Australia
Rainbow Health Australia, Research Matters, LGBTIQ health and wellbeing
Research Matters: What have we learnt about COVID-19 and LGBTIQ communities?
This Research Matters aims to address the current state of research relating to the impacts of COVID-19 on LGBTIQ communities.
Rainbow Health Australia, Research Matters, LGBTIQ health and wellbeing, COVID-19
Research Matters: What does LGBTIQ mean?
This evidence brief focusses on the concepts of sex, gender and sexuality and what lies underneath the definitions collected together in the acronym ‘LGBTIQ’.
Rainbow Health Australia, Research Matters
Inclusive Practice Matters: Communities of Practice Responding to the Challenges of Covid-19
This issue of Inclusive Practice Matters reports on common questions and challenges around recent experiences in service delivery to LGBTIQ communities in the context of COVID-19 restrictions.
COVID-19, lgbti-inclusive practice, lgbti, lgbti health, coronavirus, community of practice
Research Matters: Trans and gender diverse health and wellbeing
A fact sheet summarising key aspects of research on the health and wellbeing of trans and gender diverse people.
Trans, Gender diverse, Transgender, LGBTIQ, health and wellbeing
Research Matters: Why do we need LGBTIQ-inclusive services?
LGBTIQ communities have unique health and wellbeing needs, and developing LGBTIQ-inclusive services improves access and acceptability for LGBTIQ people in health, community services and policy.
lgbtiq health, lgbtiq wellbeing, inclusive services, lgbtiq inclusion
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