A new Community of Practice Program for the mental health sector

Rainbow Health Australia is partnering with the Centre for Mental Health Learning and Project ECHO to offer a new Community of Practice program for the mental health sector, funded by the Victorian Department of Health.

Our twice-monthly sessions combine guest speakers on topics determined by sector consultation, plus a peer-led case discussion supported by our expert panelists, including psychiatrist Dr Tram Nguyen, clinical social worker and educator Liam McIntyre, RHA inclusion experts, LGBTIQA+ peer practitioners, lived and living experience speakers, and other specialists in LGBTIQA+ mental health.

What will sessions look like?

Topics will include all aspects of LGBTIQA+ inclusion in mental health, from emerging or challenging areas of professional practice, to LGBTIQA+ inclusion in service systems, staffing and policies.

Sessions are highly participatory, and participants have the opportunity to connect with their peers, broaden their networks, share their own expertise and gain new knowledge, confidence and resources to support their practice.

This multidisciplinary Community of Practice, 'LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in Mental Health ECHO', is open to all mental health practitioners, as well as managers, inclusion portfolio holders, and other interested service staff and sector stakeholders.

Come to all or selected sessions, and if you're managing a tricky practice or inclusion issue, we invite you to bring it for feedback from your peers and our expert panellists. Whatever your experience with LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice, we offer a safe, supportive learning environment.

Speakers, topics and how to bring a case for feedback

SESSION 1 | Wednesday 12 February, 1 to 2pm
Research insights to support your practice
Aoife Dermody (she/they/any pronouns)
ARCSHS Strategic Knowledge Translation Lead
SESSION 2 | Wednesday 26 February, 1 to 2pm
More than the rainbow flag: Where to start in building LGBTIQ+ inclusive mental health services
Ruthi Hambling (she/her)
Rainbow Health Australia Manager, Sector Development and Engagement, Rainbow Tick Lead
SESSION 3 | Wednesday 12 March, 1 to 2pm
Building a village: Supporting parents and carers of trans and gender diverse young people
Dr Tram Nguyen (she/her)
Consultant Psychiatrist, Gender Service, Royal Children's Hospital
SESSION 4 | Wednesday 26 March , 1 to 2pm
Making safer spaces: Neurodivergent and LGBTIQA+ affirming mental health care
Jesse Scott (they/them)
Lived Experience Consultant, Trainer and Director, Creative Conexions

With lots more to come!

You can email our team at RHA to express interest in bringing your case to an ECHO session. We'll guide you on next steps. And thank you! Case discussion is the heart of ECHO learning, with rich, peer-led discussions happening in ECHO programs around the world every day.

Go to Rainbow Health Australia's home page on the international iECHO platform.
Select the 'LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in Mental Health ECHO' program, which will give you access to the free one-hour lunchtime sessions.

Sign up here for semi-regular updates on new ECHO topics and speakers, plus research updates, training and other opportunities for the mental health sector.
The 'LGBTIQA+ Inclusion in Mental Health ECHO' Community of Practice program is delivered in partnership with the Centre for Mental Health Learning and Project ECHO.

External Resources

Some key resources that inform our work.

Our workforce, our future

Pride in our future: Victoria's LGBTIQ+ strategy 2022-32